Happy Lane Healing
What to Expect
Emotion Code therapy is a gentle, non-invasive way of releasing unwanted
trapped emotions. The aim is the find the emotion and release it with
speed and ease, rather than focussing on the events that caused the
original emotion. I use muscle testing to communicate with your
subconscious mind to find which trapped emotions can be released
during your session. The subconscious is like a hard drive, it keeps a copy
of every event or trauma you may have experienced in your lifetime.
It knows which trapped emotions are causing the biggest amount of
disruption and brings them to the fore.
By using a magnet I dislodge the vibrational frequency and release it from your
main meridian, the trapped emotion is then gone and your body can heal.
This is all done in a relaxed and comfortable environment.
Anything discussed during your session is completely private and confidential.
Face to Face Sessions
Once your session is booked and paid for, I will send details of the Barnstaple address.
I will take a brief history and we will work on what areas of your life you would like to improve.
Sessions last between 60-90 minutes.
You will get a physical copy of your session.
There is parking, refreshments and facilities on the premises.
£50 per session, payment details will be sent via conformation.
(From 1st July 2024)
Remote Sessions via Video Conference or Phone
Once your session is booked and paid for, I will send details of our online/phone appointment.
I will take a brief history and we will work on what areas of your life you would to like feel improvement.
Sessions last between 60-90 minutes.
You will get a digital copy of your session.
£50 per session, payment details will be sent via conformation.
(From 1st July 2024)
*First Session is always longest, with taking a little history and getting aquatinted with each other, pease allow 90mins.
Releasing trapped emotions using The Emotion Code, or any other type of Energy Healing practiced by the provider on this site, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care.This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you on this site or in any session obtained on this site is neither intended or should be considered a replacement for consultation with a health care professional.If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your health care provider prior to considering any complementary therapies. This information is offered as a complementary service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment.